whistlepig whiskey
How do you make the perfect gift of WhistlePig Whiskey even better? Personalize it with our bespoke bottle engraving!
Engrave your personal message into the bottle to show your favorite whiskey connosiuer how much you care. It's a gift to be treasured even after they finish the last savory whiskey drop.

Small Batch Rye Aged 10 Years - Custom Engraved
We kicked off our Rye Whiskey journey with the Quintessential Rye – our Small Batch Rye, Aged 10 Years - it’s the one that started it all.

Old World Rye Aged 12 Years - Custom Engraved
WhistlePig’s vanguard of finishing lies within our Old World Rye, Aged 12 Years. A Rye styled by Old World sensibilities at 86-proof. This whiskey is the marriage of three finishes, each with their own distinctive flavor profiles.

Estate Oak Rye Aged 15 Years - Custom Engraved
One of WhistlePig’s oldest whiskeys, Estate Oak Rye is for the true connoisseur of Rye. It takes its name from our Vermont Estate Oak, where it finishes its long, 15 year life.